Intiative in brief


International Human Rights Council is one of the world’s leading independent organizations dedicated to defending and protecting human rights. By focusing international attention where human rights are violated, we give voice to the oppressed and hold oppressors accountable for their crimes. Our rigorous, objective investigations and strategic, targeted advocacy build intense pressure for action and raise the cost of human rights abuse. For years, IHRC has worked tenaciously to lay the legal and moral groundwork for deep-rooted change and has fought to bring greater justice and security to people around the world.


How we work

  1. Be a part of our team; inform people, widen our network, and help us to organize collection camps.
  2. If you can spare some time, wherever you are you can spread awareness even on the phone/email. Talk to your colleagues, friends, neighbours and relatives about IHRC work.
  3. Spare a small space in your home/office twice a year (for a week) as a centre for our special collection drives. Better still, can you spare this space as a permanent IHRC collection centre?

Approach the school, college or professional institute that you were/are a part of, for a collection drive and long-term partnership with us.

Following is a list of options for people from all walks of life

Potential Sponsor

Sponsor our camps, events, products and administrative expenditure. Often, we are forced to incur huge costs on short-lived activities like collection camps or 2-3 day events. This becomes a monetary problem for us as IHRC. Is a small organization with limited funds? Even printing a catalogue is a pocket pinching exercise for us. We thus appeal to any individual/organization that would like to help us out. We would be happy to give a line of credit to the sponsor in our promotional material.


Give us a few of your extra medicines/samples for distribution among those who cannot afford them but need them.

IT Professional

Take out a little time and share your knowledge with us. Guide us in managing our database and strengthening our administrative systems

Book Lover

If you are fond of reading, then you must explore our vast medley of second-hand books in all kinds of area and help us raise funds. You can also donate your old books for this purpose.


Travel is an integral part of our work. We travel across the country to meet the beneficiaries, understand their needs and to widen our network. Come forward to sponsor/subsidize this cost.

An Organization/Corporate

Motivate your employees/colleagues to join in our efforts. Initiate a collection drive in your organization where employees can bring in their unwanted but re-usable material for IHRC. You can also support us financially/sponsor any of our activities. Donate your old newspapers, one-side-used-paper monthly. Support us with new/old office automation equipment like computers, printer Photostat machine & office furniture.

Business House/Exporter

What do you do with your non saleable/surplus material (for e.g. cloth, garments, footwear, stationary, toys, books, utensils, furniture etc.)? Instead of throwing it away, you can give it to IHRC. We re-use and re-distribute this or based on your permission, sell it to raise funds. This creates an environmental-friendly and socially responsible channel for the disposal of your wastage. Financial contributions (big/small) are also welcome to help spread the impact of our initiatives to a larger area.


Help us to reach people in need of support across the country. Join us as partner. In the last 2 years this group has grown to over 100 agencies in 8 different states.


Transportation of material to various parts of the country is always a logistical problem. It would be of great help to us if you could reduce our burden a little bit by helping us reach some of these places for distribution of material. The way Self-express / Tran solutions have come forward to transport material free of cost to 3 states.


We are in constant need of packaging material to dispatch large quantities of utility items. You can solve this perpetual problem by giving us your old/used gunny bags and cartons.

Theatre Person

Theatre is a powerful medium of generating awareness and stimulating thought on important issues. You can facilitate an out-reach program using your theatrical skills to sensitize the public about our work (through street-plays etc.).

Support Us

Joining us as a volunteer for all the above-mentioned activities.
Organizing a collection drive at your work and residential area.
Joining us on weekends for our regular collection camps.
Arranging funds for this movement.

e’power human

“Your generous support empowers our mission to make a lasting impact in our community”


As a high activity public area, Bank premises are convenient and safe spaces for collection of material and a good forum to create awareness about our activities.


Educational institutions have always been a great forum to initiate collection drives, especially for SCHOOL to SCHOOL and RAHAT. A chance to talk to your students to sensitize and motivate them will go a long way in supporting education in rural schools.

Donor/Funding Agency

Support us monetarily for any of our initiatives like Health, Education, Children Women Welfare, Not Just a Piece of Cloth and help us widen our spread.

Resident Welfare Association

Like many R.W.A.s working with us, you can also organize regular collection drives in your area of administration. You can also organize monthly newspaper collection drive in your colony.

Media Person

For a greater impact, reaching out to the right people is a must; you can help us here simply by accessing your network !

Stationary User

Use IHRC products developed from waste paper – various kinds of writing pads of one-side-used-paper and carry bags made from newspapers & magazines, which provide a suitable alternative to hazardous polyethene.


Join us by using paper/cloth or jute bags, made by us instead of polythene

Support Matters

Sponsoring certain activities.
Donating whatever material you can.
Motivating people to provide Infrastructural Support: Office & Storage Space in your place.
Giving us a forum to create awareness among your colleagues/management or other acquaintances.

“Hear What Our Victim Have to Say”

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